The Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest Chapter and the Society for Ecological Restoration Western Canada Chapter are neutral, independent, non-profit organization that connects restoration industries across their respective regions and through the peak international body for restoration (SER) globally.
Meet our SERNAC Conference Co-Chairs!
On behalf of the Western Canada and Northwest Chapters of the Society for Ecological Restoration, Dr. Katherine Stewart and Regina Wandler can’t wait to welcome you to the SER North American Conference starting October 28, 2024 in Vancouver, BC! “We anticipate a highly diverse group of participants who will bring fresh perspectives and practices based on their experience across North America,” says Katherine, Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. “I hope this first ever SER North American Conference strengthens the network of engaged practitioners who are striving to restore ecosystems and enhance resilience in the face of climate change…the world needs our best collective work right now!” adds Regina, Project Manager at King County Parks.

Registration has opened for the SER North American Conference at the Pan Pacific Hotel in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. The conference runs from October 28 through November 1, 2024, and will provide an interactive forum to share knowledge and learn about the science and practice of ecological restoration across ecosystems and disciplines to better connect a diverse and engaged restoration community.
Conference co-chair Regina Wandler is looking forward to conversations with people she’s admired for years as well as young professionals and students. “I hope to learn more about how our chapter can better support work happening in my region and beyond,” she says. “I am always inspired by the passion underlying people’s ecological restoration careers and projects, and believe we can make the greatest difference through collaboration and knowledge exchange.”
Co-chair Katherine Stewart adds “I am fascinated by how ecosystems and ecological processes work and one of the best ways to improve our understanding is through rebuilding, renewing and improving these systems. Ecological restoration gives me hope for the future of our planet.” What can students and young professionals expect? “Those early in their careers will go away from the conference feeling inspired and with a deeper understanding of the importance of their work and the network of incredible people they are joining.”
“No single project or practitioner can solve everything,” observes Regina, “but they contribute to a continental and global shift in awareness of the role and value of ecological restoration which then drives innovation and advancement in our policies and practices.”The conference schedule includes plenaries, concurrent sessions, a trade show, and a poster session. Attendees can also sign up at additional cost for workshops and field trips or explore free restoration-related destinations close to the conference venue.
The Northwest Chapter works to identify and share ecological restoration techniques and practices in the ecosystems of the Cascadia Bioregion. Chapter members are actively protecting and restoring ecosystems throughout the Cascadia bioregion which includes Washington, Oregon, Montana, Idaho, Alaska and Northern California. The Chapter advocates for scientifically sound restoration practices and policies, and helps build community support for ecological restoration through inspiration, celebration, and respectful listening.

SER Western Canada encompasses British Columbia (BC), Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, the Yukon, and the Northwest Territories. The Chapter was founded in 2000 in BC and expanded to Western Canada in 2014. Membership includes consulting, business, government, universities, interest groups, and the general public. As a chapter we strive to build an ecologically sustainable relationship between nature, community, and the economy.

The Society for Ecological Restoration:
The Society for Ecological Restoration advances the science, practice, and policy of ecological restoration to sustain biodiversity, improve resilience in a changing climate, and re-establish an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture. An international non-profit organization with over 5,000 members and partners in more than 110 countries, SER actively promotes participatory, knowledge-based approaches to restoration. Join us as a member and be part of this invaluable community, learn more here!